Monday 28 March 2011

filming progress

I finally finished all of my filming on sunday the 20th of march. I had various difficulties along the way hence my lateness for completing it. This has been mainly down to my choice of actors, a few have seemed to let me down in the past so i restricted the amount of people involved in my opening just so i could finish it. I therefore restricted it down to 7 actors overall, with 4 on the chess scene and 3 on the italian scene. With this sudden choice i was able to complete it all on time and made it easier for myself overall. My chess scene was filmed in the LRC at school as this was the easiest place to film a chess scene in where we have our library. I filmed the italian scene at my house as it was an easy place to alter into an italian university, i made a plaque to represent that its a uni and i changed my room so that it looked similar to a dormitory, overall i felt i did an ok job with my mis-en-scene. I also made ben who was playing the headmaster wear a suit as its stereotypical of a headmaster to be wearing posh, formal clothing.

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