Wednesday 30 March 2011

evaluation question 4

The target audience for my film will be aimed at teenagers around 14-20 and will be aimed at the social group of geeks as it is about chess, but could also to relate to the badass drug taking group as the character Luigi starts off as a rebellious drug taking person and changes and gets taken up into chess. They will generally have watched films such as dodgeball, talladega nights and blades of glory, so they will understand that chess is another film and sport they can laugh at and take the mick out of, they could possibly relate to the sport aswell that they like playing. They will more than likely want to play it in their spare time or just go out for fun and watch the film because it is in a similar band of films to dodgeball etc...
They may decide to shop at any range of places for a teenager, most nerds may go to typical nerdy places such as the library and most gaming shops. On the other hand, a more badass social group might tend to shop in jd with their colour c-ordinated tracksuits, they will tend to hang around in the streets because they probably wont have anything else better to do.

Evaluation question 3

A production company is responsible for the production of all forms of media such as film, radio and TV. It is also normally responsible for the funding of a production, it may be achieved through an ambassador for the production company. The size of the company is irrelevant as long as it sells products to a film studio at a theatrical venue.
A distributor is part of the production company that distributes its products/films to, it also distributes the film out to the audience so they can gain profits and the audience can receive the production made.
The funding for a film like mine will have come entirely from the production company itself, the production company i have chosen is twentieth century fox as it is normally a typical production company for comedies like mine.
My film is similar to dodge-ball as my opening is very unclear to watch as it is supposed to be confusing which is just like the opening in dodge-ball nothing is very clear to learn in the film after 2 minutes. Although when commencing the project I did aim to make the film as a mick-take of Green Street which had a similar opening base with the main character being kicked out of college and moving to Britain to make a fresh start with his relatives over there. But my opening had to be altered as this was too complex to carry out at the time, so the opening became a bit clearer as to the genre of the film. But in terms of the film as a package, it would have to be more similar to dodge-ball as the locations, budget and crew size would aim to be of a very similar size.
For a film like mine the funding would have come from the film production company as well as other forms of advertising that would have tried to promote the film, such as trailers and posters in shops such as HMV. But the majority of the money will have come from the production company which in this case is paramount as they are the ones wanting to make the film a success.
Certain job roles are only listed because they try and list the stars of the film and the director who made it, if it is a big film that's spent a lot of money then they're always going to mention the list of box office stars who will help make the film a lot of money. Whereas if a film doesn't have many big stars then they wont bother in trying to headline these names to promote it and just concentrate on promoting the film itself. But if the films have the money and stars to show off then they generally will do it to help draw in a mass profit.

Monday 28 March 2011

comments about the film

My general feedback from the class was that i needed to put a bit more into the chess mis-en-scene by possibly making it a bit more of a formal occasion to fit with the championship final. There were suggestions on making Sam our presenter wearing a suit as streotypically presenters of sports programmes will be wearing formal clothing such as blazers, shirts and ties. Plus there were recomendations to change the background to make it plainer without the books in the background and make it look more like the occasion itself, with a possible use of a crowd to make it seem a popular event with the audience, rather than just a quiet library.

filming progress

I finally finished all of my filming on sunday the 20th of march. I had various difficulties along the way hence my lateness for completing it. This has been mainly down to my choice of actors, a few have seemed to let me down in the past so i restricted the amount of people involved in my opening just so i could finish it. I therefore restricted it down to 7 actors overall, with 4 on the chess scene and 3 on the italian scene. With this sudden choice i was able to complete it all on time and made it easier for myself overall. My chess scene was filmed in the LRC at school as this was the easiest place to film a chess scene in where we have our library. I filmed the italian scene at my house as it was an easy place to alter into an italian university, i made a plaque to represent that its a uni and i changed my room so that it looked similar to a dormitory, overall i felt i did an ok job with my mis-en-scene. I also made ben who was playing the headmaster wear a suit as its stereotypical of a headmaster to be wearing posh, formal clothing.