Wednesday 15 December 2010


Ben Scragg- bristol bishops firmmember

Jesse Burgess- James Bullett
Charlie Simpson- Rotherham Rooks firmmember

Adam Bown- Chess player for Rotherham Rooks

Matt Vicker- Chess player for bristol bishops

Jordan Luke- Matt (luigis cousin) firmleader for b.b

Russell Peters- Luigi (main character)

Treatment- Knight Square

In the present day in La Thuile, Italy. Luigi gets kicked out of university after taking weed. He moves to Bristol to live with his english cousin Matt,where he introduces Luigi to the hardcore game of chess. Luigi is fooled into believing its a game for nerds, little does he know how extreme it really is. He ends up being sucked into the brutal world of chess firms, also discovering that once he becomes part of it he cannot leave.... Luigi and Matt face some of britain's hardest chess firms in an attempt to save the reputation of the Bristol Bishops. There hardest challenge comes when they re-face the Rotherham Rooks, possibly the toughest firm in England. This battle is likely to end up with blood, injurys and death, aiming to restore the pride and passion of their beloved firms.

Wednesday 1 December 2010


To create our music we have used garage band to help make our tunes and soundtracks, it has different instruments to help make a unique sound. I used an electric guitar, keyboard and drums to make my over the top music which would be conventional for my film.

Background information on genre

DodgeballMovie-DVD.jpgNormally in the genre sports comedy, they normally have actors that arent taken seriously in any of the films they are in. For example Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller generally play the funny guy in the films they are in, but now they are both together we can tell that they wont take it seriously what so ever. For this reason they are typical characters in comedy's.

generic conventions

- quick shots
- close shots to show impact
- sport chosen isnt taken seriously
- use of going over the top with the sport
- usually follows a loser in sport
- an underdog story

textual analysis: dodgeball

I aim to make my film a sports comedy, i have watched the trailer of dodgeball as i feel it is a similar genre to what i want my film to be like. I have noticed that it has some generic conventions that always seem to occur in this genre. For example, it has a variety of fast and close shots which is typical of a sports comedy, also typical is the extra emphasis used to make it over the top, so it takes the mick out of the sport. Plus in sports comedy's the sport is generally one that isnt taken very seriously such as dodgeball.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

evaluation of preliminary task

The reason we have published another video is because in the original preliminary task we forgot to do a shot reverse shot, therefore we decided to do another video so we could accomplish all that was required from the task. The original video is the one below and the updated one is the one at the top.
I believe the things that worked successfully in our task were our vast array of camera shots, our location of filming, choice of costume and props, continuity and following the action was consistent, good planning and well organised. However we could of used a tripod for more of our shots to help improve the steadiness of the camera whilst filming. Next time we will attempt to use the tripod more for the reason above.

Monday 11 October 2010

The frankfurt school

-The frankfurt school developed concerns about the power of the modern media (propaganda) in early to mid 80s.

-Schools founders were neo marxist, under threat in context of pre war nazi germany.

-Moved to america and refined model in an era of expanding media output in post war america.

Hypodermic syringe theory

Hypodermic syringe theory is when you watch something and it is forced into your body like a needle, hence the syringe part.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Propps roles of actions

These are Propps roles of actions (characters)
- The Hero a character who seeks something.
- The Villain who opposes and tries to halt the hero's quest.
- The Donor who provides an object with superficial properties.
- The Dispatcher who sends the hero on his/her quest via a message.
- The False Hero who disrupts the hero's success by making false claims.
- The Helper who aids the hero.
- The Princess who is the reward for the hero and the object of the villain's plots.
- The Princess's Father who rewards the hero for his effort.

Barthes semiotics

Barthes argued that verbal language is just one way of communicating, others include hairstyle, clothing, body language, make up.

Models for understanding language-constructed by people to produce meanings within culture.

Signifier- Physical form of the sign

Signified- concept or idea that the signifier produces e.g. red light means stop

Referent- real thing, not the signal or the idea but the real individual thing.

Why i chose media?

Hi im Jack. I chose media because when im older i hope to be involved in sports journalism and i feel media will help me benefit towards becoming a journalist as it links into many of the factors for journalism.

Monday 4 October 2010

Steven Gerrard's ideaology is to be known as a no nonsense character, he mainly wants to be known for his gifted talents in football and to please football fanatics all over the world. He wants to be loved only for his footballing credentials. He's been in the press for beating up a dj and almost ended up in prison for this. This again links with his idealogy as being a no nonsense character.

Monday 27 September 2010

genre as a marketing tool

The first thing that can make us tell its a horror film is the colours, the use of dark colours signify's immediatly that it is a horror as they represent suffering and normally conventional for a horror film. The message for the film also draws us in as we want to know why she's going to hell in 3 days. We can also tell it is a horror film because the main woman character shows how much suffering she's under and the hands appearing to pull her down show suffering and pain again signifying its a horror film.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

The male gaze

Identification with the male lead.
- His actions become a surrogate for our own part in the narrative. We psychologically align ourselves with his point of view. He is the ideal ego.

Objectification of the male's lead's romantic interest.
- The male lead desires the female form. As we are aligned with his point of view, the audience desire the female lead also.

Freud and Lacan

Scopohilia- constructs identities by looking at ourselves and at each other. As children we derive pleasure from looking at other peoples bodies.

Cinema allows us to look at other people without being seen ourselves. We enjoy this voyeurism.